Wednesday, May 29, 2013

May 29, 2013

Dear family and friends,

      We walked home from the Children’s Home in silence under a cloudless Kenyan sky tonight.  We had just had a very long goodbye with seventy eight of the children and the staff.  We knew that it would be heartbreaking- and it was.  The tears,  hugs, kisses and prayers lasted for several hours before the final “see you soon” was said (the kids had decided that to say goodbye was not good- “see you soon” meant that our time apart would be short and temporary).  Each of us had written letters to each of the children telling them how much we love them, sharing what we value in each one of them and reminding them of God’s love and plan for their lives. How many nights in the past five months had we walked back to the guest house after hugs and goodnights in each bedroom of the Children’s Home?  For the past few days I had been thinking of all that was left undone here, all the regrets of words not said or heard, had we really done what God was calling us to do.  What hurt the most was knowing that some children were just beginning to open up and share a little piece of their hearts with us.  Why didn’t we spend more time, more energy on those things that will last for an eternity?  We leave tomorrow morning for our flight out of Nairobi.  We have prayed that God will help us to sort all this out- to leave behind the things that could bring doubt and discouragement- to treasure those things and times that brought glory to His name and made a difference in the Kingdom.  I shared with some of the older kids tonight that I was thankful for the pain of leaving them, for that pain was a reminder of the deep love we feel for those children.   One girl replied, “Mom, only God can do that!”  Enough said- Amen!!!  Thank you family and friends for joining us in this life changing adventure!  God has moved through your prayers and support!  We will write much more after returning to Sheboygan. 
Love in Christ, Scott, Kathi, Sarah, James, Megan, Matthew

Monday, May 13, 2013

Derse Family in Africa  May 13, 2013


Dear family and friends,

We want to express our very deepest appreciation to you for lifting us up to the Father during these months- especially during these times of such intense spiritual warfare.  The severity of these attacks to both our family and the Smith family (living in Kijabe) has been increasing the past few weeks. We are learning what it means to truly seek God for everything and to cry out for His direction and protection.   
The long-awaited baptism of over 50 of the kids here was cancelled- much to the frustration and disappointment of all of us.  We decided, along with staff, to make Sunday as special as we could before the high schoolers returned to school by doing a very special blessing ceremony, presenting them with the 2Corinthians 5:17 bracelets, and worshipping around a campfire ( with testimonies and, of course, cake).  The kids also really enjoyed celebrating their birthdays all together, with more cakes and small gifts, as part of the “Who Am I?” devotions for this month.  We were so impressed with how the older kids took leadership roles in planning a surprise staff thank you party with thank you books written by the kids, sweets and food, speeches and music.  It was awesome to see how touched many of the staff were by the letters of appreciation written by all the kids. 
The weeks of break from school were also filled with volleyball (thank you Nate) and football games, Bible study, human anatomy/physiology lectures (taught by Scott), and lots of fun time laughing and playing together.  James premiered the second music video he made of the church choir yesterday and continues to work on building projects, Maasai culture documentary video interviews, and the worship CD of the kids.  Matthew is really working long hours finishing up building projects and then taking time every afternoon to play volleyball with the kids.  Megan has jumped in with every part of herself to be with the kids every minute and make sponsor family phone calls for all the kids.  It is so precious to see the looks on the kid’s faces when they see their sponsor families on Skype!  Megan and the two Oasis interns who arrived last week have been painting, helping the kids write sponsor letters and will be leading the kids in devotions in the next few weeks.  Sarah and I are trying to finish up some school in the mornings and then she loves spending time with her friends on the Hill after they are done with school. 
As we are on the countdown for our remaining days here on the Hill, we are so thankful that God has gifted us with this privilege of knowing and loving these beautiful children.  I begin to cry even thinking of how we will say goodbye to the kids and staff here.  We had prayed as a family that would use this time to grow us and change us to be image bearers of Christ as well as working through us, despite our weaknesses, to show these children His love.  It may take some time for us to truly see how God has worked- despite the warfare, disappointments and challenges, but God has been faithful in working miracles.  We want to extend a huge thank-you to all of you who have given generously and have made all of this work possible.  God is working through your giving here in the lives of these kids.  Please pray for:

  • For the women’s conference next Sunday with more than 100 Maasai women in the surrounding communities- that lives will be given to Jesus, hearts will be healed and all will see the love and power of the living God
  • For our health and protection against spiritual attacks- Kathi had an anaphylaxis episode few night ago from an unknown source- Scott has thought of bringing meds needed for such an occurrence and saved her- Praise God!! She was well enough to speak at church yesterday- twelve people gave their lives to Christ!!!
  • For our family to finish strong here with time with the kids, teaching, projects for the home, connections with community members
  • For the two Oasis interns who have joined us- that they will enjoy and grow from their interactions with the kids and community
  • For God to continue to work in the hearts and minds of the 98 children living here
  • That God’s will would be accomplished here in this ministry despite severe spiritual oppression and attack

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!  We are looking forward to seeing you all soon!

                                                                                                In Christ,

                                                                                                 The Derse Family

                                                                  Scott, Kathi, James, Sarah, Matthew, Megan