Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Some final thoughts upon our return...

Greetings from the Derse Family from back here in the United States!  Ann and Rick Smith have asked us to share with you some highlights of our 5 months living at The Hill in Kenya for the July Oasis newsletter.  We immediately said “of course,” and started quickly making a list of all the different activities and projects that we were involved with there but quickly realized that we are still trying to understand how God moved through us to minister to the people there and, just as important, how He changed our hearts forever in ways that we are still struggling to fully comprehend.  We spent months planning our “to-do” list before our trip only to quickly realize once we arrived in Kenya, God’s plan was much different than ours’ in ways that we could never fathom.  What follows are what we feel were some of the highlights of our ministry opportunities and we will try our level best to convey what we feel God was trying to accomplish throughout and what He was trying to teach us and how He was transforming our hearts in the process.


It was evident to us upon our arrival at The Hill that God had prepared these children’s hearts for significant growth in their spiritual life.  What a privilege and blessing it was for our family to see God moving so very powerfully in this area of their lives.  Over seventy of the children prayed the salvation prayer and invited Jesus into their hearts for the first time!  What an incredible praise!  It was great to work hand-in-hand with the staff to develop Bible memorization and implement Bible curriculum to help provide for continued spiritual growth of the children. 


We are also so very thankful to have been welcomed into Pastor Andrew’s small community church and for giving us many opportunities to share.  Kathi and Scott were able to preach several Sundays to this congregation.  Quickly after our arrival in January, Kathi discerned a huge need in the spiritual lives of the women in the community and felt burdened to help in this area.  She joined the weekly women’s Bible study and this grew rapidly- drawing 30-40 women every Wednesday to study God’s word and we witnessed significant healing of hearts and relationships.  This culminated in an all-day women’s conference which was attended by 108 women from the surrounding area to hear God’s word through several different speakers and to worship together.  God also gave James an awesome opportunity to serve God’s people there.  He was able to film and produce music videos of the church choir performing several worship songs.  These will soon be uploaded onto YouTube for viewing.  The choir was very excited at the prospect of bursting onto the internet as the newest worship sensation!  Matthew and James also spoke on pursuing careers based on the giftings and desires that God gives us.  This was an important message for children of this community to hear as there is a real cycle of poverty and hopelessness which squelches many of the hopes and dreams of the young people there.  Sarah spent many hours in the kitchen learning the finer points of making chapatti and how to prepare meals for 100 hungry kids as well as helping out with the afternoon preschool and just running around playing with the kids.  Megan, returning to the Hill after finishing her spring semester, came with tremendous enthusiasm and passion to love each one of the kids as well as organizing and conducting the annual sponsor calls.  Trying to coordinate these calls with all the sponsor families given the 8-hour time difference, peoples’ busy schedules and the communication challenges in a 3rd world country was no small task but seeing the kids’ faces light up when talking to their families was definitely worth the effort!


Our entire family was involved in various building and other projects.  James and Matthew worked diligently on building many large storage cabinets.  Matthew learned much about building and construction and was also able to mentor several of the young men as they assisted him in these various projects.   A huge thank-you goes out to Nate and Kurt for helping them get started on this project!  Every dormitory room received a fresh coat of bright paint and 8 new sets of bunk beds were installed.  It was amazing to see how happy the children were with their new “digs.”  Friday nights were movie and popcorn nights.  The 3 hours spent every Friday afternoon popping over 100 bags of popcorn was a burden of love.  This was all the kids could think about towards the end of the week and it was great to see them lose control as we handed out the popcorn and started the movie.  We enjoyed many special Bible studies, nightly devotions, anatomy/physiology lectures and numerous special events (group birthday party, staff appreciation party, bonfire devotions, all-week Easter celebration, etc.).  All of these activities became important avenues for us to build relationship with these special children. 


As we reflect back upon this amazing experience, we are aware of the many mistakes and cultural faux pas that we made but the staff and community were more than gracious to us and welcomed us into their lives and loved us anyway.  For this, we will be eternally grateful.  Despite encountering significant spiritual warfare, times of discouragement and life-threatening illness, the privilege and blessing of loving and serving those 98 children has had the greatest impact on all of us and we will forever be changed because of it.  All six of us miss each one of these beautiful children deeply.  We can still see their faces, hear their laughter and singing and feel their arms around us.  God has imprinted these kids on our hearts forever.  We have seen God move in miraculous ways and He has taught us that He is indeed faithful and His ways are absolutely beyond what we could ever plan for, hope for or expect.  Thanks to all who have supported us financially and, more importantly, with prayer.  We know that it was through this on-going prayer that God was able to further His will there with children on The Hill and the Massai people.  It was also a privilege to serve alongside the Smith family and we would like to extend to them our thanks and love for all that they did to support our family during our stay in Kenya. 


In God’s Service,


Scott, Kathi, Megan, Matthew, James and Sarah Derse



Wednesday, May 29, 2013

May 29, 2013

Dear family and friends,

      We walked home from the Children’s Home in silence under a cloudless Kenyan sky tonight.  We had just had a very long goodbye with seventy eight of the children and the staff.  We knew that it would be heartbreaking- and it was.  The tears,  hugs, kisses and prayers lasted for several hours before the final “see you soon” was said (the kids had decided that to say goodbye was not good- “see you soon” meant that our time apart would be short and temporary).  Each of us had written letters to each of the children telling them how much we love them, sharing what we value in each one of them and reminding them of God’s love and plan for their lives. How many nights in the past five months had we walked back to the guest house after hugs and goodnights in each bedroom of the Children’s Home?  For the past few days I had been thinking of all that was left undone here, all the regrets of words not said or heard, had we really done what God was calling us to do.  What hurt the most was knowing that some children were just beginning to open up and share a little piece of their hearts with us.  Why didn’t we spend more time, more energy on those things that will last for an eternity?  We leave tomorrow morning for our flight out of Nairobi.  We have prayed that God will help us to sort all this out- to leave behind the things that could bring doubt and discouragement- to treasure those things and times that brought glory to His name and made a difference in the Kingdom.  I shared with some of the older kids tonight that I was thankful for the pain of leaving them, for that pain was a reminder of the deep love we feel for those children.   One girl replied, “Mom, only God can do that!”  Enough said- Amen!!!  Thank you family and friends for joining us in this life changing adventure!  God has moved through your prayers and support!  We will write much more after returning to Sheboygan. 
Love in Christ, Scott, Kathi, Sarah, James, Megan, Matthew

Monday, May 13, 2013

Derse Family in Africa  May 13, 2013


Dear family and friends,

We want to express our very deepest appreciation to you for lifting us up to the Father during these months- especially during these times of such intense spiritual warfare.  The severity of these attacks to both our family and the Smith family (living in Kijabe) has been increasing the past few weeks. We are learning what it means to truly seek God for everything and to cry out for His direction and protection.   
The long-awaited baptism of over 50 of the kids here was cancelled- much to the frustration and disappointment of all of us.  We decided, along with staff, to make Sunday as special as we could before the high schoolers returned to school by doing a very special blessing ceremony, presenting them with the 2Corinthians 5:17 bracelets, and worshipping around a campfire ( with testimonies and, of course, cake).  The kids also really enjoyed celebrating their birthdays all together, with more cakes and small gifts, as part of the “Who Am I?” devotions for this month.  We were so impressed with how the older kids took leadership roles in planning a surprise staff thank you party with thank you books written by the kids, sweets and food, speeches and music.  It was awesome to see how touched many of the staff were by the letters of appreciation written by all the kids. 
The weeks of break from school were also filled with volleyball (thank you Nate) and football games, Bible study, human anatomy/physiology lectures (taught by Scott), and lots of fun time laughing and playing together.  James premiered the second music video he made of the church choir yesterday and continues to work on building projects, Maasai culture documentary video interviews, and the worship CD of the kids.  Matthew is really working long hours finishing up building projects and then taking time every afternoon to play volleyball with the kids.  Megan has jumped in with every part of herself to be with the kids every minute and make sponsor family phone calls for all the kids.  It is so precious to see the looks on the kid’s faces when they see their sponsor families on Skype!  Megan and the two Oasis interns who arrived last week have been painting, helping the kids write sponsor letters and will be leading the kids in devotions in the next few weeks.  Sarah and I are trying to finish up some school in the mornings and then she loves spending time with her friends on the Hill after they are done with school. 
As we are on the countdown for our remaining days here on the Hill, we are so thankful that God has gifted us with this privilege of knowing and loving these beautiful children.  I begin to cry even thinking of how we will say goodbye to the kids and staff here.  We had prayed as a family that would use this time to grow us and change us to be image bearers of Christ as well as working through us, despite our weaknesses, to show these children His love.  It may take some time for us to truly see how God has worked- despite the warfare, disappointments and challenges, but God has been faithful in working miracles.  We want to extend a huge thank-you to all of you who have given generously and have made all of this work possible.  God is working through your giving here in the lives of these kids.  Please pray for:

  • For the women’s conference next Sunday with more than 100 Maasai women in the surrounding communities- that lives will be given to Jesus, hearts will be healed and all will see the love and power of the living God
  • For our health and protection against spiritual attacks- Kathi had an anaphylaxis episode few night ago from an unknown source- Scott has thought of bringing meds needed for such an occurrence and saved her- Praise God!! She was well enough to speak at church yesterday- twelve people gave their lives to Christ!!!
  • For our family to finish strong here with time with the kids, teaching, projects for the home, connections with community members
  • For the two Oasis interns who have joined us- that they will enjoy and grow from their interactions with the kids and community
  • For God to continue to work in the hearts and minds of the 98 children living here
  • That God’s will would be accomplished here in this ministry despite severe spiritual oppression and attack

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!  We are looking forward to seeing you all soon!

                                                                                                In Christ,

                                                                                                 The Derse Family

                                                                  Scott, Kathi, James, Sarah, Matthew, Megan

Thursday, April 25, 2013

April 25, 2013


Dear family and friends,

     Of all the comforts of home, it is the people we miss the most!  There is nothing like living in the middle of rural Transmara Kenya (even though we are literally surrounded by people everyday) that has taught us the life-giving value of real friendship!! Thank you for your continued prayers on behalf of our family, the children here and the people in the Maasai community.  There have been times when we have been experiencing the oppression of the spiritual warfare around us and have desperately sought God’s peace and wisdom that your prayers and God’s grace have brought forth.  It has been just what we needed at the time.  We are leaving this weekend to Nairobi to pick up Megan on Sunday night form the airport.  We can’t tell you how excited we are to have her finally back with us on the Hill!  The kids have been asking everyday for months when Megan is “coming home?”  She has done an outstanding job handling school, work, and all the crazy things that have happened with the pets and house since the middle of January. 


The week after her return, we have planned a huge birthday bash (complete with cupcakes with candles and plenty of balloons) as part of our devotional series “Who am I?- Being an image bearer of Christ!  They are all extremely pumped for this event!  Many of the children do not even know when they were born or have ever had that day celebrated.  That week we are helping the kids plan a special thank-you party for the staff with letters of appreciation, songs and drama to honor the staff, and, of course, sweets!  Now that the kids have discovered cupcakes, there are no other possibilities for desserts!  The biggest event that we are all looking forward to more that any other is the baptism on May 5!!!  We are not sure whether the kids will be baptized in a tub or the river- but it will be a day of true celebration (special baptism scripture bracelets, pictures, and a big feast are also planned) We have been teaching for a few weeks on the significance and calling of baptism and there will probably be over 50 kids ready to be baptized on that day!!  God is so good and He has made Himself so present in their lives these past two months!!!  We know this will be a day we will all remember for the rest of our lives!! 


Sarah is working hard to finish up school work while continuing to play with kids of all ages here.  The mamas in the kitchen are helping her to learn to cook “Kenyan” as well as braiding her hair.  Matthew, James, and Scott are continuing on building and painting projects at the Children’s Home. The kids love it when Matthew plays with them and “flies” them like an airplane.  We frequently hear his name “Matayo” being chanted as they hang all over him.  Scott has been teaching Human Anatomy/Physiology classes to the older kids and Kathi has enjoyed every moment of the Purity Bible Study with the older girls.  Two Oasis interns will be joining us on May 6 to help with preschool, special activities with the kids including their yearly sponsor family phone call and a Women’s Day of Encouragement, Pray and Worship for the women in the community.  James is finishing up the Oasis- Kids on the Hill worship CD and his Maasai culture and history video project.  Kathi celebrated her birthday this week by finishing up the family and children teaching series at church complete with baby and motorcycle dedication.  Yes, the motorcycles (form of the only public transportation around here) were driven into the church and dedicated to the Lord near the end of the four hour service.  God spared us from carbon monoxide poisoning as the cycles’ engines were left running, headlights on and turn signals flashing during the dedication ceremony.


 As we prepare to begin our fourth month on the Hill, we continue to pray that God will show us His way each day and that He will truly give us the eyes and heart to see each child as He sees them.  I love it when at the end of the day, my arms are tired from all the holding and hugging of the kids.   I know then that it has been a great day! Please pray for the kids and their baptism on May 5, for the Women’s Day in May- that many women would understand the life changing love God has for them and begin to see themselves as He sees them, for Megan’s safe and uneventful arrival back to the Hill, for Kathi’s health (typhoid complications of the gallbladder), for wisdom and discernment as we seek God for direction here, for protection from the spiritual warfare heating up in this area, and that God would do a mighty work in this community.


Personal note:  I remember writing on our last blog that there had been two newborn infant deaths in this small community right before Easter.  Pregnancies are not publically talked about because home abortions and murders of newborn babies are not uncommon.  Some women feel hopeless to be able to feed and provide for a new child or are totally overwhelmed with the number of children and responsibilities they are “burdened” with so they feel that they have no choice but to “dispose” of their new baby.  We found out about a newborn baby boy thrown into a outhouse pit soon after birth only 6 days before Easter Sunday. The mother of this baby lived right down the road from us, only a stone’s throw from the Children’s Home- why couldn’t she have brought him there?  Family members found the baby and called authorities- the baby laid face up in the feces with the placenta still attached and appeared to be doing fine.  This precious baby boy was taken to a hospital down the Hill and the mother was arrested.  The whole community celebrated that God had saved this baby from death and our family prayed fervently for him.  I (Kathi) asked around the community about what would happen to this little guy- was God calling us to love and care for him?  Would he someday become part of the family of children on the Hill?  Three days later, I was meeting with many women from the community for Bible Study.  Toward the end of the study, a woman blurted out that the baby had been given back to the mother (who was still in the hospital being treated for “stress”) to be fed.  The mother killed the baby as she fed him earlier that day. What?  How could this happen?  I felt like I couldn’t breathe or speak.  My grief was so raw I could hardly see through the tears as I ran from the room to the back of the Children’s Home overlooking a pasture.  I cried out with everything that I had for this beautiful baby boy who would never be held in loving arms, would never know the feel of the sun on his face. Three months of grief, frustration, and disappointment was all pouring out of me at once.  I don’t know how long I stood there until I heard several small voices behind me, “Mom, Mom?”  I turned around to see precious little faces that I had grown to love looking hesitantly toward me.  I put out my arms to them and they all ran to embrace me until we almost fell in a heap.  One little girl, who has the sweetest voice and brightest smile, looked up at me and said, “Mom, why are you crying? It’s Easter!”  Out of the mouth of one of His precious children were the words of hope, truth and love.  We had spent weeks talking about Jesus and the Easter story!  This little one had learned the true message of the death and resurrection of Christ!  Yet, we live in a world of sin, death, hatred, suffering- we, as children of God, followers of Jesus Christ, live in  joy, peace, and love because Jesus’ victory!  Halleluiah!!  Only in Him can we live our lives, despite our circumstances, in this victory and bring God’s message of life, love, and hope to this world so badly in need of Him.  This beautiful baby boy is safely in the arms of Jesus!


Looking forward to seeing you all again soon.  Until then, God’s blessings to all.


Scott, Kathi, Matt, Megan, James and Sarah

April 25, 2013


Dear family and friends,

     Of all the comforts of home, it is the people we miss the most!  There is nothing like living in the middle of rural Transmara Kenya (even though we are literally surrounded by people everyday) that has taught us the life-giving value of real friendship!! Thank you for your continued prayers on behalf of our family, the children here and the people in the Maasai community.  There have been times when we have been experiencing the oppression of the spiritual warfare around us and have desperately sought God’s peace and wisdom that your prayers and God’s grace have brought forth.  It has been just what we needed at the time.  We are leaving this weekend to Nairobi to pick up Megan on Sunday night form the airport.  We can’t tell you how excited we are to have her finally back with us on the Hill!  The kids have been asking everyday for months when Megan is “coming home?”  She has done an outstanding job handling school, work, and all the crazy things that have happened with the pets and house since the middle of January. 


The week after her return, we have planned a huge birthday bash (complete with cupcakes with candles and plenty of balloons) as part of our devotional series “Who am I?- Being an image bearer of Christ!  They are all extremely pumped for this event!  Many of the children do not even know when they were born or have ever had that day celebrated.  That week we are helping the kids plan a special thank-you party for the staff with letters of appreciation, songs and drama to honor the staff, and, of course, sweets!  Now that the kids have discovered cupcakes, there are no other possibilities for desserts!  The biggest event that we are all looking forward to more that any other is the baptism on May 5!!!  We are not sure whether the kids will be baptized in a tub or the river- but it will be a day of true celebration (special baptism scripture bracelets, pictures, and a big feast are also planned) We have been teaching for a few weeks on the significance and calling of baptism and there will probably be over 50 kids ready to be baptized on that day!!  God is so good and He has made Himself so present in their lives these past two months!!!  We know this will be a day we will all remember for the rest of our lives!! 


Sarah is working hard to finish up school work while continuing to play with kids of all ages here.  The mamas in the kitchen are helping her to learn to cook “Kenyan” as well as braiding her hair.  Matthew, James, and Scott are continuing on building and painting projects at the Children’s Home. The kids love it when Matthew plays with them and “flies” them like an airplane.  We frequently hear his name “Matayo” being chanted as they hang all over him.  Scott has been teaching Human Anatomy/Physiology classes to the older kids and Kathi has enjoyed every moment of the Purity Bible Study with the older girls.  Two Oasis interns will be joining us on May 6 to help with preschool, special activities with the kids including their yearly sponsor family phone call and a Women’s Day of Encouragement, Pray and Worship for the women in the community.  James is finishing up the Oasis- Kids on the Hill worship CD and his Maasai culture and history video project.  Kathi celebrated her birthday this week by finishing up the family and children teaching series at church complete with baby and motorcycle dedication.  Yes, the motorcycles (form of the only public transportation around here) were driven into the church and dedicated to the Lord near the end of the four hour service.  God spared us from carbon monoxide poisoning as the cycles’ engines were left running, headlights on and turn signals flashing during the dedication ceremony.


 As we prepare to begin our fourth month on the Hill, we continue to pray that God will show us His way each day and that He will truly give us the eyes and heart to see each child as He sees them.  I love it when at the end of the day, my arms are tired from all the holding and hugging of the kids.   I know then that it has been a great day! Please pray for the kids and their baptism on May 5, for the Women’s Day in May- that many women would understand the life changing love God has for them and begin to see themselves as He sees them, for Megan’s safe and uneventful arrival back to the Hill, for Kathi’s health (typhoid complications of the gallbladder), for wisdom and discernment as we seek God for direction here, for protection from the spiritual warfare heating up in this area, and that God would do a mighty work in this community.


Personal note:  I remember writing on our last blog that there had been two newborn infant deaths in this small community right before Easter.  Pregnancies are not publically talked about because home abortions and murders of newborn babies are not uncommon.  Some women feel hopeless to be able to feed and provide for a new child or are totally overwhelmed with the number of children and responsibilities they are “burdened” with so they feel that they have no choice but to “dispose” of their new baby.  We found out about a newborn baby boy thrown into a outhouse pit soon after birth only 6 days before Easter Sunday. The mother of this baby lived right down the road from us, only a stone’s throw from the Children’s Home- why couldn’t she have brought him there?  Family members found the baby and called authorities- the baby laid face up in the feces with the placenta still attached and appeared to be doing fine.  This precious baby boy was taken to a hospital down the Hill and the mother was arrested.  The whole community celebrated that God had saved this baby from death and our family prayed fervently for him.  I (Kathi) asked around the community about what would happen to this little guy- was God calling us to love and care for him?  Would he someday become part of the family of children on the Hill?  Three days later, I was meeting with many women from the community for Bible Study.  Toward the end of the study, a woman blurted out that the baby had been given back to the mother (who was still in the hospital being treated for “stress”) to be fed.  The mother killed the baby as she fed him earlier that day. What?  How could this happen?  I felt like I couldn’t breathe or speak.  My grief was so raw I could hardly see through the tears as I ran from the room to the back of the Children’s Home overlooking a pasture.  I cried out with everything that I had for this beautiful baby boy who would never be held in loving arms, would never know the feel of the sun on his face. Three months of grief, frustration, and disappointment was all pouring out of me at once.  I don’t know how long I stood there until I heard several small voices behind me, “Mom, Mom?”  I turned around to see precious little faces that I had grown to love looking hesitantly toward me.  I put out my arms to them and they all ran to embrace me until we almost fell in a heap.  One little girl, who has the sweetest voice and brightest smile, looked up at me and said, “Mom, why are you crying? It’s Easter!”  Out of the mouth of one of His precious children were the words of hope, truth and love.  We had spent weeks talking about Jesus and the Easter story!  This little one had learned the true message of the death and resurrection of Christ!  Yet, we live in a world of sin, death, hatred, suffering- we, as children of God, followers of Jesus Christ, live in  joy, peace, and love because Jesus’ victory!  Halleluiah!!  Only in Him can we live our lives, despite our circumstances, in this victory and bring God’s message of life, love, and hope to this world so badly in need of Him.  This beautiful baby boy is safely in the arms of Jesus!


Looking forward to seeing you all again soon.  Until then, God’s blessings to all.


Scott, Kathi, Matt, Megan, James and Sarah

Friday, April 5, 2013

Long overdue post from Kenya...

From Out of Africa (more precisely, Out of Kenya on the Hill) Blog Entry

                                                April 5, 2013


Dear family and friends,


We apologize for not writing more last month- we actually started a few entries, but did not finish them before there was more to write.  We are beginning our fourth month here on the Hill and just returned yesterday from Nairobi where we went through the process of renewing out visas for a longer time.  It was great to take very hot showers and soak in the hotel pool to take off several pounds of dirt accumulated during these months!  We decided to spend yesterday morning at the Nairobi Wildlife Park where many species of wild African animals live and wander in from the Mara.  During the few hours we drove around, we saw wildebeests, several species of antelope, a sleeping lion only 10 feet from our van, zebras, various birds and small mammals, and (the highlight for Sarah) were a herd of giraffe very close to the road with their young.


As Sarah’s little puppy Joey is growing, she found several animals that she thought would make nice pets in our home here.  We were excited to get back to the kids at the children’s home-several younger ones where very surprised to see us today as they thought we had gone back to America. 


We had the best celebration of the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus last weekend with the kids and staff!!! Devotions for two weeks prior to Easter were dedicated to the teaching of the life of Jesus, His last week on earth, His death on the cross and resurrection.  During these weeks, over thirty more of the children gave their lives to Jesus and we had the privilege of seeing the presence of God in our worship, group prayers, and in the questions and comments made by the kids.  The day before Easter, we had an Easter party with resurrection eggs and more Easter teaching, crafts, and games before the strong rains came which happens every afternoon now.  The highlight for the kids was to dye eggs (thanks to Megan for sending the egg coloring sets) and, after many pictures were taken of every child with their brightly colored egg, we all ate the eggs!  After Easter church service, which lasted six hours with foot washing and communion, we all worked with the mamas to cook an extra special Easter dinner for the kids and staff.  The mashed potatoes were a huge hit along with rice, cooked carrots, cupcakes, and more meat than you can imagine which stunk up our home the night before.  While we were still cooking during the late afternoon rain storm, the kids wanted to watch the kid’s version of the Jesus movie for the second time (we had never seem them watching a movie so intently= even compared to their all time favorite- The Lion King).  Praise God!


Scott continues to work on projects in the children’s home, taking care of minor medical issues and will soon start physicals on all the kids.  He faithfully makes popcorn all afternoon on Fridays for movie and popcorn night with the kids which they all really look forward to.  Matthew and James worked hard with our friends Nate and Kurt for over a week on building projects in the kids’ bedrooms and other areas of the children’s home.  They are both getting pretty handy with power tools and are determined to finish these projects before we leave.  James finished the church’s first worship song video- over two hundred people crammed into that tiny mud church to see the premiere and went wild when they saw the drama spearing scenes and picture of Jesus at the end!  The second video is planned to be taped this Sunday after church with a large crowd to support the singers.  Sarah still loves to work with the mamas in the kitchen cooking and serving the kids at meals.  They love to hear her sing and tell stories!  Sarah also helps with the little ones in the afternoons and can put a baby to sleep faster that anyone on the Hill.  I am continuing to teach a family series at church, loving women’s Bible study, and the devotions with the kids each night.  Along with the pastors, who are on staff here, we are planning longer into the future now and are excited about the big baptism when the high schoolers return for break. We still have kids to the house on Saturdays for lunch. Pasta is new to them, but they love the cookies, crafts, and games.  The Oasis team, who visited right before Easter, brought new wonderful games and toys for the kids- especially the little ones. Preschool time will have renewed energy now!  


Megan is finishing up her college classes and will soon be joining us here.  We have really missed her and so look forward to seeing her again.  The kids are counting down the days until her arrival and all the fun she will bring to the Hill. Please pray for her journey here. Megan is also bringing many materials for the kids and staff to use as they grow in their faith.


Lastly, there have been two deaths in the past two weeks which have been very hard on everyone.  Infanticide is still widely practiced here (along with illegal abortions) and two newborns never had a chance to know love here on earth before entering into the arms of Jesus.  Mamas worry about not being able to feed one more child or they want to hide the fact that they were pregnant at all.  Life is so hard here.  There is much child and spousal abuse and alcoholism.  Some of this behavior is accepted by the culture and some are acts of desperation.  Please pray for the people here so that they may receive the forgiveness, freedom and love they so need from the Lord and will follow Him above all else- even their cultural traditions. Thank you for your prayers and for taking an interest in these beautiful children here.  We have grown to love each one of them more than we could have ever imagined. Over time, they are opening up their hearts and lives to us and that is a very precious gift.  We are learning so much and yet now realize that, somehow, it seems we know less than we did in January.  God is using this time for all of us as a refining fire and we are praying that He is changing us more everyday into whom He is calling us to be. We really miss you all at home and eagerly await seeing you in a few months!




The Derse family

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Easter fun pics.  We will write more soon but we had a great time celebrating Easter with the children and staff.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Hello Family and Friends!


We are still in Kijabe awaiting things to be finally sorted out with the national elections.  The vote took place this past Monday, but they have been counting votes all week and, hopefully, will be done and make an official announcement sometime today.  There have been some allegations of fraud, but I think on whole, the elections were transparent and fair.  The country, as a whole, has been peaceful all week but we can not return to The Hill until we see what the response will be to the final announcement.  We are so thankful to the Smith family for housing us this past week during this uncertain time.


Kathi is still feeling under the weather.  We thought she was doing better overall, but had another episode last evening with increasing abdominal pain, vomiting, etc.  Her tests have all been negative to date, but sometimes you can still have typhoid and have the test be negative.  We will be waiting for her to feel better before we make the final decision to return to The Hill.  Please pray for healing for her.


We are all missing the children on The Hill this past week.  The week before we came to Kijabe, we had a very exciting evening devotion.  Kathi talked about past hurts, fear, disappointment, etc. burdening us and preventing us from living a life of freedom that God wants for each and every one of us.  The children were each given a slip of paper and asked to write down (confidentially) whatever they were being burdened with in their lives.  They then brought the folded slips of paper up to the front of the room and pinned to a wooden cross and, symbolically, left their cares there at the cross.  It was a very powerful and life-changing evening.  We were so proud of the children for their participation and maturity in handling a service like this.  One of the most powerful moments came when Kathi was starting to preach and the rain started to fall upon the metal roof and drown out her talking.  She stopped and prayed to God to stop the rain so that this important message could be given.  Immediately, the rain stopped, the children cheered, and Kathi was able to continue the entire service without interruption!  Amazing!


We were also officially welcomed and installed as missionaries by the Church of God in Kilgoris, which is the small town at the base of the mountain where we are living.  Although a long and very warm service, we were humbled by the large turnout of people and the warm welcome we were given.


James is making progress in the recording of the worship CD.  He also recently finished shooting, editing and finishing a music video that he did for the small church up at The Hill.  I’m sure this will be posted on YouTube in the near future.  Sarah is enjoying spending time with the Smith kids this week and trying to get some school work done.  Matt is helping with a few projects around the house, working on his on-line class and going on a few runs down to the airstrip here by the hospital.  I know he misses flying and is looking forward to his return when he can again get back in the air.  Upon our return to The Hill, I will be travelling to visit several of the small clinics that are run by the Church of God and, hopefully, advise them on things they might be able to do to run more efficiently, with better financial accountability and provide even better medical care in the isolated areas where they are located.


That, I think, is about all for now.  We miss you all and continue to covet your prayers and remain ever-thankful for all of your support!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Dear family and friends,

     It has been a few weeks since we last posted a blog, fuller days and a slow, and sometimes active, internet have all played into this.  Thank you so much for continuing to pray for our family during this time and for the children and staff of the TransMara Children’s Home (residents of the Hill).  We have daily sensed that God is working through your prayers.  We never have we been so touched and grateful when others tell us that they are praying for us.


A highlight so far this month:  Forty three children asked God to forgive their sins and asked Jesus to come into their hearts and be their Lord and Savior last week during devotion time!!!!!!   We are very excited knowing that their new lives as Christians have just begun!!!  Please continue to pray for emotional and physical healing for these precious children.  I wish you could meet them all- to look into their beautiful faces, hear their voices raised up to heaven in worship each night, and witness the joy so many of them have for life.  Each child has a story, a dream for their future (even the little guy who told me this week that he wants to be a purple crayon), and the strong desire to be loved for who they are.  The eight little preschoolers have been singing “Go,.Go Joshua” and marching around the pretend walls of Jericho- shouting and blowing their horns many times each day.  Just the sight of us walking onto the children’s home can cause a few of these little ones to break into the Joshua song. 


Scott, Matthew, and James have continued to do some projects around the home and we are looking forward to Nate and his brother coming next month so we can help redo the kid’s bedrooms.  The spiritual development curriculum and Bible verse memorization program are up and going- the kids love the object lessons, character development and Bible stories, and they are becoming more comfortable with coming up to be a part of a short drama.  We had thirteen older children up in front last night as we acted out the real story of Valentine’s Day- they received quite the applause from their friends afterwards. 


Scott has been taking care of a small boy who cut his arm with a knife last weekend.  The terrified shrieking has stopped when his mother brings him in the house- he knows his bravery will be rewarded with gum.  I started a study on the book of James with the women’s Bible study group on Wednesdays. To help bridge the language gap, sometimes I try to illustrate the teaching with dramatic movement and gestures (which is received with loud laughter) and close each time with Chai tea, sweets and friendly conversation in Maasai) They are a precious group of women, the prayer time together is very special to me and I love listening to their discussion through the interrupter (interpreter). One woman told me this week and she didn’t think women from America and Kenya were all that different. Praise God!


Sarah will be sad to see her new friends leave for high school next week- it has been a blessing for our family to get to know these young men and women.  Sarah also looks forward to time playing with the little ones and has picked up some pretty useful phrases in Swahili.  James is continuing to work with the kids on the CD of worship songs.  All of the children will be home here for the upcoming presidential election in early March so he hopes to do lots of recording, especially their favorite worship songs in Swahili.


Friendships are beginning to grow with the staff and other people in the community.  Many have been very patient with us as we become educated with their culture. As one of our boys mentioned earlier this week, “it is still Ground Hog Day” around here!  We really miss Megan and we look forward to her return in early May.  She loves to call at night after devotions and talk with several of the kids who all want her to bring them a torch (flashlight). 


Miss you all!  Love, the Derses

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Hello from the Hill!!!! 

We are closing up our first month here at the Oasis Children’s Home in the Trans Mara region.  Megan has been back in Sheboygan for over two weeks now and is getting adjusted back at school, work, etc…  We miss her and are really looking forward to having her return in the beginning of May perhaps with some other college aged girls who feel led to come to the Hill for a month to work in different aspects of the ministry.  We are looking forward to helping to get a few new things started this month in the spiritual development and other areas.  James started the Oasis Kids CD recording this past week with the eight older kids who are leaving for high school very soon. The time with them in Bible study, science, and other fun has been great and we are really going to miss them.  They really rocked hard on Our God!  During the first week in May, while the high school kids are home for the presidential election, James wants to have all the kids record the songs in Swahili they choose to be on the album. 

We are visiting our friends, the Smiths, in Kijabi this weekend for some R & R- some wonderful conversation in English and warm showers!!!  Matthew is looking forward to a visit to a smaller airport in Nairobi tomorrow to meet with a few African Inland Missions aviation pilots to talk “mission pilot stuff”- we are very thankful the God has made this awesome opportunity for him.  Sarah has made some very good friends during these weeks and has had a gaggle of smaller kids following after her in the afternoons. She found a puppy, or the puppy found her, which has helped with some home sickness- praise God for Little Joe!  We have even managed to fit in a little bit of school in each day. All of us are pretty tired when we head home each night after devotions with the kids-fairly treacherous walk after those late afternoon rain storms- the Maasai guards are kind to walk us back in the dark with their very impressive bow and arrows. I would not want to mess with those guys. Had an opportunity to preach last weekend at some point of the end of the three hour church service. There is no lighting in those dug and mud small buildings- I had prayed that God would help me to see my notes- waiting for the words to be translated into Swahili gave me a few extra moments to decipher my chicken scratch. Scott is up on the preaching docket next weekend! 

Please pray for doors to open for development of the wholeness program for the kids in the home-we are praying for many salvations and even baptisms in this month!  Even though this month has in many ways been the longest month we have experienced for a while, we know that God wants to work in His timing in powerful ways  in us and that we are thankful for this time.  Time with the kids is just icing on the cake!

Last week, I (Kathi) had been still struggling with this stomach “thing”.  After our afternoon preschool time with the little ones, one of the youngest little guys needed some holding time as he was tiring.  Another little one year old boy wanted to be picked up- it was then that I first smelled, and then saw, diarrhea running down his legs puddling on the dirt.  I quickly took a few steps away, with my little friend still clinging to me, before retching- what fun!  I sat down on a step and didn’t realize I must have had tears running down my face.  This precious little boy put his sweet face very close to my face and began to wipe away my tears.  It was that I recognized that he was singing a song we have worked on for over three weeks, Jesus Loves Me- even some words in English.  He then began doing the sign language to the words while staring directly into my eyes.  What a beautiful gift from my Father through this beautiful little boy!  No cultural or language barriers during this moment- just a connection made only because God loves us both.  Ten to fifteen minutes later, he was asleep in my arms- I pray that I will never forget this gift from the Lord- with Him, there are no barriers of any kind- Yes!

We have so very much to learn- with Jesus there is victory in all! 

In Christ,

the Derse Family

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Hello from the Derse’s!  We trust this update finds you in good health and full of joy.  We have heard that the upper Midwest is slowly coming out of a cold snap.  That is one thing we are NOT missing here.  It is hard to believe we are only entering our 4th week here.  Ironically, we are struggling to adjust to the slow pace of life here.  In the months leading up to our trip, almost every waking moment was taken up with trip preparations, work and the business of daily life.  We are learning that life here in Africa more or less plods along day to day and we sometimes feel we are living out our very own movie version of “Groundhog Day.” 


Kathi recently finished the Bible study on James with the grade 8 kids and has moved on to teaching on the Holy Spirit.  These young people are anxiously awaiting their scores on the nation test they completed.  Once released, they will be finding out what high school they will be accepted to and then move to continue their schooling.  Pray that God would bring some measure of peace to them now during this anxiety-ridden time of waiting.


I have been trying to analyze the somewhat fragmented, patchwork conglomeration of dysfunctional healthcare here in this rural area.  It is, at times, confusing to sort out, but I am hoping to have a meeting with some of the leaders of the local Church of God.  There are a group of 5 clinics in the region that they run but these clinics struggle mightily.  I hope to study how they are running these clinics and, perhaps, advise them on how to implement some things that might help them operate better and improve the delivery of healthcare to the people of this region.  


Matt will be visiting a mission aviation program at Wilson Airport in Nairobi this coming week to meet the training captain, have a tour of their operations and learn more about the life of a missionary pilot.


James has been working with the children to practice their singing parts for the Oasis for Orphans music CD.  He is discovering the challenges involved in recording a large group of kids in a rural environment with cow bells clanging, roosters crowing and donkeys braying directly outside the room where they are recording.  He remains excited, however, about this music project and what it will mean for the kids to have their very own music production on CD.


Sarah is doing well and helping with all of the above activities as well as just spending time with the children.  She is VERY popular with the kids and the Mamas that are on staff are quite taken with her.


Megan travelled home safely last week after spending an enjoyable 2 weeks here in Africa.  She reluctantly had to fly back to take a teaching methods class that is ONLY offered during the spring semester and that she needs to be able to graduate next December.  She is already looking forward to her return flight here in early May.


I think that is all the “news” for now.  We pray God’s continued blessings and peace for you.


Scott, Kathi,

Friday, January 11, 2013

Hello to all from the Derse’s!!


We will be finishing our first week on the Hill and we are slowly starting to feel a bit more comfortable in our new surroundings.  We have been overwhelmed by the welcome and the love we have been shown by our Kenyan friends and are SOOO thankful for the grace that they have extended to us as we try to learn and absorb everything we can about their culture and ways of living.  Day by day, I am continually awed by the beauty of this country.  We arise to a cacophony of sounds every morning.  These range from the crowing of the roosters, bleating of lambs, and the ever-present (but somehow comforting) soft clang of the cowbells on the cattle.  It is awesome to see the sun rise slowly over the Rift Valley and see how the many shades of green on the surrounding mountains blaze forth.  I wish one were able to convey this in words or even in a picture, but I have come to realize that is not possible.


Our work at the Hill is going great!  Kathi, Matthew, Sarah and Megan have been spending 2 hours with the preschool children every afternoon doing activities and Bible stories.  We also have been able to spend time with the 8th grade students doing Bible study daily on the book of James.  I also have the opportunity to teach science class to them and we are doing dissections of fish and frogs.  It is so refreshing to see young people who are actually hungry for knowledge and who take their education so very seriously.  In the evening, we return after dinner for devotion time with the children and to say goodnight.  Despite all of their struggles and difficult life circumstances, we are humbled by their enthusiastic praise and worship to our Lord. 


We would like to ask for prayer for the following areas.  Pray that we would be able to continue to develop the trust and build relationships with the staff, children and the community.  Pray that the deep water well would soon be repaired (it has been broken since October) and that it would again supply abundant, clean water to the children.  Pray for travelling mercies for Megan as she travels back to the US next Wednesday to complete her spring term.  Please pray that God will continue to help us get adjusted to our new surroundings and to love these children and see them as He sees each one of them.  Pray that we will continue to have good health and the stamina to do the work that God wants us to do here.  And lastly, please pray for the children here and that God would continue to raise them up to be strong, Godly individuals in their communities.  Thank you for your support!!




Scott, Kathi, Megan, Matthew, James and Sarah

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Family and Friends,
Sorry we have not been able to write since leaving on January 2. Our internet has not been working well the past few days. We arrived at the Hill on Sunday afternoon and were welcomed by the children, staff, and many people from the church and community. It was so so good to see the everyone! The children have grown so much this past year and they all look so good! We have spent the past few days unpacking, learning our way around the nearby towns, getting to know the staff, and spending lots of time with the kids. We are amazed at the time and effort it just takes to live here- no electricity, no running water (yeh, solar bag showers- like drops of water from heaven), and learn to do and make everything from scratch.  As Sarah would say, we are trying to "man up" and get with the program.  The Smith family has been more than wonderful, patient, and encouraging as they help us go through The Hill- living in Kenya 101!  Thank you to Ann, Rick, and kids!!  Our whole family is so humbled and thankful for this awesome opportunity to love and serve these beautiful children and community.  We know now more than ever that we will receive more than we could ever give here- how good is God!  Please pray for us as we rest up from our travels here (and the preceding influenza of late December that hit our family hard) and that we would heard God's voice daily to be His hands and feet in these childrens' lives here.  Please pray for the children and staff here as well as the Oasis team.  Please contact us on our new email (scottandkathiderse@gmail)- we will be so excited to hear from you!  Love, The Derses